Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back from TN

We got back yesterday from our trip to Tennessee. The kids and I went with my mom and mamaw to my cousin's wedding. We had a good trip, but we're glad to be home.


Sharon said...

Welcome home! What part of TN? That's where my Mom's from.

Ryan and Shawna said...

It's called Bean Station, TN. Close to Morristown. About 45 minutes from Gatlinburg. It's on Cherokee Lake. What part of TN is your mom from?

Elisabeth DeLynn said...

Bean Station!!!


So. you all need to come over and see my new place!!! i get off at 5 on sat and i go in at 3 on sunday...if you can come over at any of times...let me know!!! love you!

Sharon said...

She is from NE of there, a little town called Livingston. I love it. :)

Carla said...

Tennessee is beautiful. My family is from there, too. I was born in Nashville. I love the picture of Carter, Shaye and Grandma sitting on the hill. And the sunrise is beautiful. So peaceful.