Friday, August 3, 2007

My very first official blog! How exciting!

So, today one of my friends emailed me a link to her new blog and I immediately said "I want one of those" so here I am. Today was a "stay at home in your pj's, light a candle, drink some coffee that has way too much french vanilla creamer in it, watch Oprah and sit on the couch all day" kind of day. Unfortunately, life doesn't stop just because it's rainy and gloomy outside so Carter and I crawled out of bed and prepared for a day at the clinic. Shaye spent the night with grandma and then spent the day today with a dear friend (Sandy) who took her to see that rat movie.
Ok! Maybe this blog title should be "Life with Carter" . . . . he is such a stinker. This blob of stuff in my hand was at one time a book . . . . I guess he's starved for knowledge. We are staying in tonight (as if we ever actually go out) our pizza is here and I'm hungry so good bye for now.


The McKennas said...

WOW you guys look great. We can't believe how big Carter and Shaye have gotten. We miss you guys and can't wait to read about all of you on your blog.

Lissa said...

Welcome to the blog world! :) I saw your link on Debbie's site - we have one, too.

Sharon said...

Cool! Welcome to blog world!! I'm adding you to my links...

Carla said...

I found your blog on Sharon's. Since I've moved to Virginia, the blogsites keep me connected. I'm glad you have joined. Now I can keep up with you guys, too!