Monday, September 10, 2007

Free Jags Tickets . . . .

Ms. Joli, the Child Life Specialist at Nemours, gave Ryan and I tickets to the Jaguars game. After church mom took Carter home with her and Ryan, Shaye and I headed over to the game. We didn't make it for kick off but as we were walking in the gates the jets flew right over us. That was LOUD, but very cool.
I think Shaye was a little bored and it was pretty hot. During the entire 1st half of the game there was one huge stationary cloud right over us, but by the second half it had decided to move on and the sun was beating down on us.

I would have to say the highlight of the game was the Marine Corp Silent Drill Team. I'd never seen then in person before and even though we were in the nosebleed section it was still really neat.
Note to everyone . . . . even when you get free tickets it still costs a fortune. $25 to park . . . and check Ryan out drinking his $6.00 bottle of water. And we all thought gas was high!!!!
Unfortunately, the opening game against the Tennessee Titans wasn't as grand as the drill team. The Jags lost! :( Oh well, it's just a game. ;)


Sharon said...

Looks like fun! :)

Carla said...

Sounds like a fun time!