Friday, September 14, 2007

It's hard to believe . . .

. . . that it's been 19 months since Carter started chemo. Didn't realize at the time how sick he was, looking back it's hard not to see. He looks so thin and frail. This picture was taken two days after he started chemo.

This one was taken after the first chemo and the day after port surgery.


Unknown said...

What a cutie! You guys are such awesome parents!! Keep up the great work! Only a few more weeks!! YEAH!!!

Sharon said...

Bless your hearts, it is SO hard to believe it's been that long. He (and you) have done great. :)

Katie :) said...

you know what also happens in about 1 month and 2 weeks? the tower of terror 13k!!! :) are we doing it? we should probably talk :) miss you all! hi Carter and Shaye!

Carla said...

He is such a sweetheart! I miss being his Sunday School teacher. Give him and kiss for me!