Thursday, September 6, 2007

Recall Madness!

So, I'm thinking that the people who are responsible for these defective toys should have to come to my house and search through the mounds of Polly Pockets to find all of the pieces that have to be sent back! UGH! Who has time for this?

These are the polly pockets that have to be returned. $125.00 worth of vouchers! I just hope you don't have to buy the same kind of toy with it. I do not enjoy vacuuming up teensy shoes. The Polly Pockets were just the magnet hazard, but she has about 5 Barbie toys that had pieces painted with lead paint. Thank goodness she keeps it all in her room away from Carter's slobbery jaws!


Lissa said...

Thank goodness, K hasn't gotten into Polly, yet. I try to steer her away from it at the toy store. Hopefully this is the end of the recalls.

Sharon said...

I thought we were going to have a few, but all the sesame street toys were bought before May, so we're good for now.

Debbie365 said...

Uggg...I remember the 'Barbie' days! Holy Moly!