Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wonderful people . . .

Several months ago one of Ryan's dad's customers brought in a "prayer blanket" that she and some others from her church had made for Carter. It's a fleece blanket that each of them had tied a knot in and as they tied the knot they said a prayer of healing for Carter. We were very blessed by this blanket and the kindness that a stranger had shown us.

Ms. McCranie decided to have her Sunday School Class of I believe 6 & 7 year olds "adopt" Carter. Today I received the sweatest basket full of handmade cards from the students in her class and a prayer blanket that they had all made for him. Again each student tied a knot and said a prayer of healing for Carter . . . how sweet! They also sent two adorable bears "stuffed with love and prayers".
It's so nice knowing that people care about what's going on with him. Thank you Ms. McCranie and children!


Debbie365 said...

What a neat idea! I made blankets like those one year for my niece and nephews, but I never thought about turning the knots into 'prayer knots'. That is very cool! Not to mention how very soft the fleece is...

Sharon said...

How sweet and thoughtful of them, that's awesome.