Monday, December 17, 2007

The first gift of this Christmas . . . . given by our Christmas tree . . .

So, I'm allergic to our tree. I woke up this morning with a swollen right eye.

And a rash on my neck.
I usually have some kind of reaction . . . first year my hands and arms had a rash, the next year it was a little worse, last year my hands, arms and neck and this year . . . . well you can see for yourself. Next year . . . a fake tree!


Lissa said...

Know the feeling! We had to get a fake tree last year. Darn allergies! Thank goodness for Benadryl. :)

Felicia Taylor said...

I have been listening to Last Christmas all day. I was going to down load it yesterday, but it took too I gave up. I sing it to Herb everytime I hear and it drives him it's all the more fun for me. Merry Christmas! See you Sunday!

Love, Felicia

Sharon said...

Oh my word!! Well, get a fake tree and a Yankee candle "Balsam and Cedar" :)