Saturday, June 7, 2008

Still waiting on "The Girls" . . .

36 weeks and no sign of labor in sight. I went to ROC (Regional Obstetrics Center) for my usual monthly ultrasound and the 36 week stress test on the twins. The girls passed with flying colors and everything looked great on the ultrasound. Baby "A" weighs 6 lbs 3 ozs and Baby "B" weighs 5 lbs 10 ozs. Only 4 weeks to go and the way it's looking it's going to be that long until these girls decide to make their grand entrance. I start going for weekly ultrasounds now so my next one will be next Friday. We are as ready as we can be . . . now we are just anxiously awaiting their arrival.

1 comment:

The McKennas said...

Hey Richardsons. Shawna looks aweseome, we can't wait to hear about the girls arrival. We can't believe how big Shaye and Carter are. WOW.