Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The twins have arrived!

Olivia Jane Richardson was born at 12:41am and Emma Marie Christine Richardson was born at 12:44am on Saturday, June 21, 2008. Everyone is healthy and we arrived home as a family of six on Monday, June 23rd.


Michelle said...

Aww!! How sweet! Looks like Mommy handled the labor better than Daddy! hee! hee! Congratulations you guys! Love ya!

Lissa said...

I've been waiting on these pictures! Shawna - you go girl!!!! The girls are beautiful! See you on Saturday with dinner! :)

Katie :) said...

woohooo! Welcome to the world Emma Marie Christine and Olivia Jane! :) Aunt Katie cannot wait to meet you!

Linda said...

Those are the sweetest pictures. I also love your B&W pictures on the sidebar. Congratulations to the whole family. You guys are such a blessing! The twins were born on our anniversary!